Horses are extraordinary teachers. They see you as you are. They are not fooled by bluff or pretence. They react to mood and intent. In their eyes we are all equal, not even the most famous Liverpool football player would be given special status by a horse!
This means that they provide a superb way of learning self worth and confidence. We teach communications skills, anger management, trust, patience and a range of other social skills through our horses. As always, the participants need to work hard. With no effort or motivation, the horse will not respond. Get it right and the rewards are immediate and true.
This type of learning is ongoing with every individual who comes to us for any period of time. That doesn't mean that everyone who comes here has specific learning needs - it means that horses teach us about ourselves all the time. For those kids who do have a specific need, we ensure that they are given the support and structure they need to grow into the best person they can be.